Coming Home: My Self-Love Journey 
Zahra Kara Zahra Kara

Coming Home: My Self-Love Journey 

Although I thankfully never crashed and burned, close to my 30th birthday I remember feeling slightly unmotivated, overextended and ineffective. I remember thinking and feeling that there had to be more to life than working hard, being the best at everything and living my life the only way I knew how to and had all my life. I suppose, looking back now, that I was on the cusp of burn-out.

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My Journey into Kindfulness
Zahra Kara Zahra Kara

My Journey into Kindfulness

After trying every trick you’ve heard of, to naturally deal with nausea, exhaustion and other symptoms of pregnancy, I was surprised to notice how effective mindfulness was at alleviating a lot of the discomfort I was experiencing. The feedback loop ignited by experiencing positive results, with just a few small and easy shifts in my life, was what ultimately inspired the greatest changes in my life.

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