The Power of Language
Zahra Kara Zahra Kara

The Power of Language

Language is powerful. It is so very powerful. With it, we not only tell stories to others and express our desires, needs, and deepest darkest secrets, but we also tell ourselves stories about the world, and perhaps most importantly, stories about who we are and why we are the way that we are. With language we piece together the isolated snapshots that comprise our life, and create a comprehensive masterpiece—the narrative of our existence. For these reasons, language is clearly one of the most powerful tools and superpowers available to humans.

I have always been fond of language, and of communicating through the spoken and written word. But, it wasn’t until I realized, through experience and deep reflection, the formidable power of language, to change our moods, our thoughts, our behaviours and our very being, that I gave language more mindful consideration.

Just as words have the energy and power to help, heal and humble, they can also hinder, hurt, harm, and humiliate. In this article I discuss how language impacts our inner and outer worlds, and share some tips on how to help our inner critical voice become a compassionate coach instead!

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